Trauma to Truth⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Author: Claire Robinson


7/1/20232 min read

Book Blurb: Trauma to Truth is an inspirational, moving collection of poetry and prose that documents a journey through trauma to truth. It tells a story in lessons from start to finish and how it is possible to go from recovery to start the discovery of who you can become.
It begins with Trauma and how it was personally viewed and moves through the process of unpicking, unravelling, and highlighting the highs, lows and all the emotions in between. it covers anger, domestic abuse, drug addiction, grief, love and loss, finally finishing with forgiveness and finding yourself. It is a raw and honest account of one woman's story to share, that there is in fact light at the end of the tunnel and you do not have to be defined by your past.

Review: First I would like to thank Claire for the ARC copy of this beautiful book.
Please note that this book involves triggers: DV, PV, Sexual Assault, PTSD, Addiction

I’m not reading a lot of poetry, but maybe I should read it more cause there are some talented writers out there. Trauma to Truth takes you on the Journey of Claire. From a young age till now, she has known Trauma through different traumatic experiences in her life. This story is raw, emotional and just captures you. The book is built on her life lessons learned followed by some strong and beautiful poems. I loved how she explained her journey to recover and discover herself. The writing style is so honest and pure, that you feel her pain, but her victories as well. It's very clear that she doesn't want to be seen as a victim but as a strong woman who made mistakes in her past, whose choices weren't always the best but worked very hard to change that and after worked hard on herself. Now, with a lot of things that happened to her, I don't believe that was on her, but I respect the way she thinks and feels and uses that in her journey to recovery and discovery.
A defined must-read for people struggling with their mental health, trauma recovery or discovery, as Claire her story will show that there is light at the end of that dark tunnel you are going through!!